Finally, life seems to be settling down and everyone is healing up. The boys have all recovered and are back to terrorizing the house and everyone in it! Zane, so far seems to be having a great summer vacation. He and I have been spending lots of time together which is wonderful. It's nice to have that Mommy and Zane time where I can just focus on him. I am continually amazed and so proud of what a big influence he is in his brothers lives. Today I asked him in the car, "Zane could you please put Noah's shoes on?" His reply.."No, my feet are much to big for Noah's shoes". His quick wit is hysterical, as long as it's not at my expense of course!
Elliot is expanding more and more every day! Zane says his cheeks are sure to take over his body soon! He is much happier on the reflux meds and we started him on baby cereal this past week as well. We love seeing his personality grow and change.
Noah is doing great! He is becoming much more adventurous and active. We put up our little swimming pool and he went from standing at the side, chucking random objects in, to actually getting in and swimming, in just a few days. His is living up to the terrible two's and has been in "time out" more times than I can count usually for things like, throwing things, hitting one of his brothers, dumping things on the floor, all with an evil cackle that shows no remorse. Should I be worried? Speech and OT are going well, aside from a very upsetting session last week. We had a different therapist who thought that force feeding was the way to go. I will spare you the details, but it was an awful experience for all and I stopped her and the session ended. While this may work for some children, it will not work for Noah. We have worked long and hard to have food and meal times be a pleasant experience, sessions like that will only fuel his anxiety further. Today we met with his usual therapist and things went much better. Although he didn't eat for her, he got off my lap and played with toys and even gave her a hug when it was time to go. There isn't a day that goes by that we aren't proud and thankful for what he has overcome and accomplished. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I was chasing him through Walmart today. What a normal, typical, 2-year old thing to do....I love it!