Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby Steps

Our first week home has certainly been interesting. I can't believe that Elliot is officially two weeks old already! He couldn't be doing any better at this point. He is an eating machine and is such a good baby. His follow up chest x-ray yesterday was clear and normal! His pediatrician gave him a clean bill of health and said he looks great! We are so incredibly thankful for a good report and the news of a healthy, normal chest x-ray!
Poor Noah had a really tough week. The flu bug always hits him hard and this time was no exception. He started last Tuesday, and last night was the first night we didn't hear him retching in the middle of the night. He's been able to keep drinking during the day to keep himself hydrated, but we are still not up to full feeds at night. Hopefully we can keep gradually moving up as he continues to have good days. He certainly loves his new little brother though! He is fascinated and loves to bring him toys and other random objects. He has not show any jealousy whatsoever at this point.
Zane is still along for the ride and seems to be unaffected by the chaos. He has been a huge help to me as well. I do think he has been a little more eager to get on the bus in the morning though:)
I was back into the Dr last week with a fever and high blood pressure. They started me on antibiotics for some sort of infection, but the fever has persisted and I was started on another round of antibiotics today. The good news is that I had my cystogram today and, by the grace of God, it showed my bladder has healed so they were able to remove the catheter. I have been so worried that there would be long term affects from the damage.
Along with the greatest family, I am so fortunate to have the greatest husband in the entire world. He has done basically everything for me and the kids and hasn't even missed a beat. He's doing laundry, cleaning, driving, and taking 100% of Noah's care. He has been so positive and cheerful and has really kept me going.
So, we are all very slowly getting back to normal. I am hoping by next week things will be even better. I know I need to get pictures up, I actually haven't even taken many since we have been home. We have been trying to keep everyone else from getting sick so the boys haven't really had the chance to all be together much. I will try to get them soon though! Thank you for checking on us!


FaithCDH said...

Yay I am soo happy to see an update! I have thinking about you all! Glad to hear that you and Elliot got the all clear. I hope that Noah starts to feel better soon and be on the mend. We are heading to U of M on Friday to deliver the books. I am excited to see everyone again without being a parent of a patient!

Love you all!

Amy, Steve, ^Faith^, and Baby Girl

Anonymous said...

Im so glad things are ok your all still in my prayers

Alison and seth

Weylin and Tori said...

It is so good to hear all the great news! Hooray for the Baker family! Keep it up!

The Douglas Family

Elizabeth said...

As you know - it will all settle down - I'm glad Noah on the mend and so is Mom! Very good that Elliot is a good baby too!

Zane - we can understand sometimes at that age...

Kudos to Dad for all the hard work too!

bikurgurl said...

Thank goodness both you and Elliot have a clean bill of health! I hope this round of antibiotics works for you - I know it must be frustrating when you're always taking care of everyone else!!

Hope Baby Noah gets to feeling well sooner and can spend more sick-free days in his quarantine! I'm so happy he's excited about Elliot :) We didn't have problems until the baby started moving and playing with brothers' toys ;)

I'm glad that Zane and Brian have been pitching in - thank goodness for the men in our lives :)

We love you all and have you in our prayers!

Love, Kelly and the Boys

Jarrod & Shanna Collins said...

Congrats! I'm glad Elliot is doing better. I hope Noah starts feeling better soon.